Becca Pickus is a Lecturer in the University of Michigan Residential College where she teaches classes in the First Year Writing Seminar and Social Theory and Practice Programs. Becca's classes - taught both on campus and inside prisons - foreground a trauma-informed and racial justice lens in the exploration of restorative justice, decarceration and abolition as well as the intersections between creative arts expression, mental health/healing, and activism. Becca is also a clinical social worker whose work focuses on trauma, grief, and loss, with a specialization in providing grief support for survivors of suicide.
Kenneth "Bear" Tello is a Teaching Assistant at U of M as well as a published writer, spoken word poet, dog trainer, and amazing uncle for his 22 nieces and nephews. Kenneth was incarcerated at age 16 and served 21 years in Michigan prisons. He shares that "he went to prison at a time in my life when I needed guidance; instead, I was forced to become more violent as a means of survival. Today, I am able to be who I am because of my own strength and the support of my family and mentors - not because of anything the prison industrial complex provided for me." Kenneth is now a mentor for folks returning home from prison, and is dedicated to using his own experience as a means of supporting others.
Ann Jeffers is an Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. When she was on the tenure track, Ann was diagnosed with bipolar disorder with psychotic features and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Since then, Ann has focused on mental health advocacy work on and off campus. She currently co-chairs the Rackham Graduate School's Standing Committee on Mental Health and Well-Being, and she has led mental health-focused initiatives in the College of Engineering. She is collaborating with ADVANCE and colleagues at U-M to establish the first-ever campus-wide network for disabled faculty. Outside of the university, Ann serves on the Board of Directors for Fresh Start Clubhouse, a nonprofit that supports adults with serious mental illness in Washtenaw County. For her efforts in mental health advocacy and disability rights, she received Honorable Mention for the James T. Neubacher Award for Disability Rights Advocacy Award.
Allen joined the University of Michigan in September 2021 as Associate Director for Student Accessibility and Accommodation Services (SAA) with a primary responsibility of overseeing the Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD), Academic Support and Access Partnerships (ASAP), and Testing Accommodation Centers (TAC) teams.
Allen is committed to Disability inclusion and access, having worked in the field of Higher Education and Disability for the last 13 years, most recently serving as Director of Disability Services at Rutgers University-Newark. He currently serves on the national board for the Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD). Allen obtained his MA in Mental Health Counseling from Gallaudet University in Washington DC and his BS in Psychology from Wright State University. Having a lifelong hearing loss and chronic conditions as an adult, Allen identifies as being hard of hearing and as disabled (Learn more about Disability Identity Language.). He is committed to challenging the stigma and intersectional barriers that prevent disabled students from having full access in higher education.
Jackee Schess is a lived experience advocate and mental health researcher from New York, USA. She is the founder of Generation Mental Health, a youth-led nonprofit working to improve the lives of people with mental ill-health by empowering youth advocates. In addition, she serves on the Lived Experience Council at Healthy Brains Global Initiative and the Young Professionals Advisory Board for FountainHouse. Jackee lives with chronic physical and mental illness and is passionate about creating inclusive spaces that center the voices of people impacted.
Dylan is proud to be a Deaf person. He received an associate degree in Liberal Arts from Oakland Community College and his Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) from Madonna University. Additionally, he has obtained certification in Addiction Studies. He received his Master of Social Work (MSW) at the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor (Go Blue!). His focus is interpersonal practice and mental health. He has received various formal trainings, including those provided by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism and the Medical University of South Carolina. He is a licensed social worker. His role at DEAF C.A.N.! is to provide behavioral health services and advocacy services to Deaf, DeafBlind, and Hard of Hearing clients in medical and legal settings. Also, he is an adjunct professor at the only accredited sign language interpreter program in the state at Oakland Community College.
Kellie Carbone is a psychotherapist and wellness coach on campus. She works at Wolverine Wellness, where she has a special interest in helping students lern resiliency and mindfulness practices. She is an adjunct faculty in LSA where she teaches an undergaduate wellness class titled "Living Well in College and Beyond.
Matthew Statman LMSW, CAADC is University of Michigan Collegiate Recovery Program Manager, part time lecturer at the Eastern Michigan University School of Social Work, private social work practitioner and a member of the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers. He graduated from Eastern Michigan University with his BSW in 2009 and received his MSW from the University of Michigan in 2010. Matt is a person in recovery who has spent his career helping those with substance use disorders initiate and sustain recovery.
Creekmore has a Ph.D. in sociology and social work from UM, worked in a private agency in child welfare and mental health services, provided program evaluation for other nonprofits, andhas taught as an adjunct in the UM School of Social Work and the Department of Psychology. Most recently he has worked with the National Alliance on Mental Illness as past board president and currently as advocacy lead.
Jackee Schess is a lived experience advocate and mental health researcher from New York, USA. She is the founder of Generation Mental Health, a youth-led nonprofit working to improve the lives of people with mental ill-health by empowering youth advocates. In addition, she serves on the Lived Experience Council at Healthy Brains Global Initiative and the Young Professionals Advisory Board for FountainHouse. Jackee lives with chronic physical and mental illness and is passionate about creating inclusive spaces that center the voices of people impacted.
GenMH is building a generation of mental health advocates, researchers and innovators that represent the communities they serve.
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